{{tag>submerged, medium-light, fast-growing, easy}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Hornwort ====== As of 1999, Hornwort is declared invasive and unwanted in New Zealand. Use caution if you are in these regions. \\ Canada has **not classified** Hornwort as invasive currently. {{:plants:hornwort.jpg?nolink&400 |}} Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) is a popular aquatic plant used in aquariums for its many benefits and ease of care. It's a fast-growing, hardy plant that can thrive in a variety of water conditions, making it ideal for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. \\ |**Botanical Name**|Ceratophyllum demersum| |**Origins**|Worldwide| |**Full Size**|3 - 10 ft (36"-120")| |**Ideal pH**|5 - 8| |**Toxicity**|Non-toxic| |**Lighting Intensity**|Medium (will grow slower in low light conditions)| |**Lighting Duration**|8 - 10 hrs/day| |**Care Level**|Easy| |**Growth Rate**|Very Fast| |**Soil Requirements**|none, free-floating| |CO2 Required|No| \\ \\ ===== Caring For Hornwort ===== Hortwort can be free floating near the top of the water column or anchored in the soil. Keep it shallow in the soil, or the roots will rot. Medium light is best to grow health roots and branches, but it will survive in lower light conditions. Hornwort can also survive in a wide range of temperatures from 59F to 86F, and it tolerates water hardness from soft to hard. This plant does not require direct fertilization as it will get its nutrients from left over fish food and fish waste in the water column. You will have to trim Hornwort often to keep it from overtaking an aquarium. \\ ==== Algae Control ==== Because Hortwort grows quickly, it has been known to help control the growth of algae as it consumes the same nutrients. This makes algae growth more difficult to take hold.